Any responsible goat owner will tell you that taking proper care of their goats and making sure they are healthy and happy is their top priority. If you own goats you know that often they get fed before you eat. Goats are individuals. They aren't cattle, sheep, dogs or cats and they have unique individual traits and needs that require attention if they are going to be treated properly, in a way that does not stress them. This is something that many members of popular "rescue" groups do not understand.
Goats are herd animals. While they are curious and may wander off from the group to explore something interesting, they prefer being in groups. The worst possible thing someone can do is keep a goat away from other goats, or in the absence of goats, other compatible animals. People who want pet goats need to understand this and it is always best that if they want a pet to get it very young so it will be more comfortable socializing to people. Rescue group's needs to be educated to the fact that removing a goat from a herd it identifies with is cruel and unusual punishment for the goat and can stress it to the point of illness.
•Goats are browsers, they love many weeds, pasture grasses, leaves and shrubery.They are not grazers, like sheep. They won't mow your lawn.
•There are some plants that are poisonous to goats. Some are more poisoness than others. You will want to look these up to ensure you have a safe area for your goats. Here is a good place to start: Poisonous Plants
•Most goats are kept on pasture and/or fed hay. Its very important that their hay be kept in a dry, covered area, up off the ground so it doesn't get moldy. Mold can kill a goat.
•Its a myth that goats will eat anything! And they definitely can't eat tin cans! They actually can be quite picky!
•Many people supplement their goat's diet with a specific goat grain feed. Its very important to not overfeed grain! It can cause bloat and overeating disease (entrotoxemia), both which can cause death. Make sure they can't get into (or other animal feeds) where its stored.
•Many people like to give their goats treats. The healthiest kind of treats for your goats are going to be things like pieces of cut up apples, carrots and other fruits or vegetables. No pit fruits, they can be toxic. Mine even enjoy the peels of fruit like banana, orange and grapefruit!
•Nutrition for neutered males (known as wethers), needs to be carefully considered because wethers are prone to urinary calculi (kidney stones), which can become a life threatening condition quickly. They need a proper calcium to phosphorus ratio at 2:1. Too much grain can greatly contribute to urinary calculi as well as any foods that have a high phosphorus to calcium ratio.
•Mold kills goats. Hay and grain should be kept in a dry location. Hay should be fed up, off the ground. Grain should be regularly inspected, the mold can appear as tiny white dots on the pellets, which doesn't even look fuzzy at all so it should be checked diligently and regularly.

Dairy Goats

Goat is one of the most popular animals for milk and meat production. These cute, friendly animals are much easier to raise than cows, making them the best animal to raise for a small-scale farmer or homesteader.

However, just like cats and dogs, there are different breeds of goats.Each breed has different meat and milk production rate, if you want to get the most out of your goat, you need to raise the right breed in the first place.
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Saanen Goat
Available are Bucks,Bucklings,Does,Doeling,Milking Does and Pregnant Does.
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Alpine Goat
Available are Bucks,Bucklings,Does,Doeling,Milking Does and Pregnant Does.
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Toggenburg Goat
Available are Bucks,Bucklings,Does,Doeling,Milking Does and Pregnant Does.
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Obershali Goat
Available are Bucks,Bucklings,Does,Doeling,Milking Does and Pregnant Does.
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Nubian Goats
Available are Bucks,Bucklings,Does,Doeling,Milking Does and Pregnant Does.
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Lamancha Goat
Available are Bucks,Bucklings,Does,Doeling,Milking Does and Pregnant Does.

Miniature Goats

Miniature dairy breed, gets along nicely on small lots. It is ideal for anyone who can't use the copious amounts of milk produced by larger goats. Instead of milking with your whole hand, be prepared to milk a Dwarf with two fingers and a thumb.
Dairy goats require a clean area in which to be milked. It may be part of the goat barn or a corner of a garage, mud room, or laundry room. A milkstand raises the does to comfortable milking height (about 12 inches) and holds them in place. Other equipment includes a stainless steel milk pail, a dairy scale to weigh the milk, a strainer with milk filters, and glass storage jars.
For the best-tasting milk, keep your dairy barn and equipment clean, the does healthy, and keep them away from strongtasting forage like cabbage, mint, onion, or garlic. Wipe each doe's udder before milking and spray the teats with teat dip afterwards. At least once a month, monitor udder health.
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Nigerian Dwarf Goat
Nigerian Dwarf Goats are originally from West Africa and have become very popular as family pets, hobby farm milking goats, and show goats.
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Pygmy Goat
Pygmy Goats are a dual-purpose (milk and meat) goat, ideally sized for smaller farms. Pygmy Goat milk is very rich, perfect for home cheese making. Pygmies are heavily muscled, and perfectly sized for the family freezer.
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Kiko Goat
Kiko goats are bred for meat originating in New Zealand. They are prized for hardiness and profitability as meat animals. While the breed was originally created and solidified in New Zealand, these goats are currently found in many locations, particularly the United States. Its ability to survive and thrive in harsh conditions make many people consider these goats a highly profitable breed to own.

Meat Goats

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Boar Goat
The Boer breed is characterized by a red head and red on at least a portion of the neck, with a white body. They have large pendulous ears. Some breeders have chosen to breed and promote solid color Boers, but there is little scientific evidence that they have any unique merit in productivity. Several Boer breed associations exist in the United States and each uses a set of standards related to appearance and function.
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Spanish Goat
This breed is actually a type of goat that, on the whole, has been subject to some selection pressure for various production traits such as prolificacy and weight for age. The name is used loosely at times to refer to local or brush goats, but strictly speaking this is a misnomer. The standards include characteristics that are acceptable, discriminated against and disallowed.
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Kiko Goat
Kiko goats are bred for meat originating in USA and the World at Large.hey are prized for hardiness and profitability as meat animals. While the breed was originally created and solidified in New Zealand, these goats are currently found in many locations, particularly the United States. Its ability to survive and thrive in harsh conditions make many people consider these goats a highly profitable breed to own.